Chapter 5: We Join In His Mission

Anyone that the Soviet Union perceived as a threat was watched carefully, including those with religious beliefs. In a political system that claimed ultimate authority, there was no room for a Divine Sovereign among its people. Many western Christians believed the Soviet Union was a country closed to the gospel.

Yet, the Holy Spirit is free to move behind any border. He was at work, and His sheep were there. There were Russians who quietly, hungrily sought out God and the resources to know Him. Multiple ministries were carefully laboring to connect with hidden communities of believers inside the Soviet Union.

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Chapter 4 - He Is the Good Shepherd

It had never occurred to me that this prominent world-changer might have had his place here because he loved Jesus and followed Him to call out to a world of lost sheep. All that history and I hadn’t even considered the work that Jesus had been doing.

There were also some inscriptions up the side of the marker. One was in Latin, the other, in English.

It said:

"Other sheep I have, which are not of this Fold:
Them also I must bring, and they shall hear My Voice." John 10:16

And there, I began to weep.

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Chapter 3: He Lives in Us and Through Us

Why has your family come to Japan? asked the Japanese girls.

A five-year-old’s conception of her parent’s work, if not completely wrong, can be hilariously simplistic. We didn’t give her a line to memorize or prepare her for anything like this. I thought this might be interesting. What off-the-wall answer might she give? I’d have to remember this to tell Barb later.

Becky leaned a little farther over the planters and said, “We came to Japan to tell people about the one true God in heaven. His name is Jesus.”

Have you ever had a moment when a hundred different thoughts, memories, and realizations flood your mind simultaneously? When something like a dimple in time occurs and you can sort it all out in the blink of an eye? This was one of those moments.

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Chapter 2: Jesus is Our King

Dinner With Makram

The week I met Makram, I felt particularly underqualified to be training a group of North African ministry leaders. Crete was a staunchly Muslim country, and many of the missionaries under Makram’s leadership were seeing people come to Christ in droves. Here I was, brought in as the ‘expert’ from America to give training in evangelism methods. The truth was, I felt like Makram should be teaching me.

Boy, would he.

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Chapter 1: Makram, Guns, and Danger


Makram knew that this day could come at any time. He’d counted the cost. He was prepared. But ‘what might happen someday’ was actually happening now. This was the day. He heard the guard bark out the next command.


The firing squad snapped up their guns, leveling them squarely at his chest. Bound and blindfolded, there was no chance of escape. It was today.

Every morning, Makram and his wife Amal shared a tender moment together knowing it could be their last goodbye. Now, one more word and he would violently leave this world and meet his beloved Savior face to face.

Jesus had become Makram’s reason for living. He was about to become Makram’s reason for dying.

The final word came with all the suddenness and ferocity of a bolt of lightning –


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This is a book of stories. They are experiences myself and others have had, with a few lessons I’ve learned during my journey with Jesus. I share them with you because He is better than I’d dared to hope for. To me, He has been increasingly worthy of following. These stories are an invitation.

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