Beginning My New Assignment

Welcome to my new website.  Three years ago I was diagnosed with a stage 4 lung cancer that at this time is incurable.  I have entered an experimental treatment with a research group at the University of Pennsylvania.  I hope to be able to help them find a cure for this cancer.

In the meantime, the chemo treatments for the cancer have made it necessary for me to retire on long term disability after serving 38 years as a missionary.  Over those years I accepted many different assignments from the Lord in some of the spiritually darkest corners of the world.

Now the Lord has given me a new assignment ... one which I would not have chosen ... to shine the light of the gospel in one of the darkest places I have ever been ... the cancer wards.  We do not get to choose where we serve, Jesus assigns us to the place in His harvest field that He wants us to work for His glory.  We are like flowers that are to bloom where He plants us.

So, as I seek to fufill this latest calling, I wanted to also start this web site that will allow me to make much of Jesus and share with an even larger audience the joyful adventure of knowing Him and following Him.

I hope as this site is shared over the web that those who visit will discover what it is like to experience new life in Jesus Christ, and to participate in His mission of redeeming from among all the peoples of the earth a people for Himself.

I hope to post on the site some of the best stories from my upcoming book, Come & See. Between the book excerpts, posts, media, and ongoing forum discussions, I hope to continue to chronicle what it is like to know Jesus and to be His follower.  Like Philip and Andrew of old, I want to invite people to come and see if Jesus is really who He claims to be, and, if becoming His follower is indeed the great adventure that Bible claims it to be.

So here we are launching into this latest assignment in God's harvest field.  May He use it to bring glory to Himself and provide all who visit with an ever increasing knowlege of Him.